Along SE Asia the fascinating Kratom tree has grown to be a hidden wonder, its leaves like gems, prepared to ease your pain, uplift your spirit, and leave you calm. Our guide is active as we give free Kratom samples from time to time to you so to engage with and learn from your experience/feedback while we research, educate, and write about Kratom in our attempt to provide pristine clarity and great awareness to the Kratom tree veiled under smoke and mirrors. That is our objective. We flow through a series of articles rich with discussion on every side of the spectrum of Kratom's culture. Among them why it's a great addition to the mix of alternative medicine and why in a few areas it is deemed illegal. Information as to the reasons for how the Red Borneo strain fades your pain, insight into why the Green Malay leaves you calm, and if the White Maeng Da that energizes can leave you feeling a sense of euphoria, too. Overall, the structure of the app easily glides you through all the necessary data valuable to experienced users, people curious to try, and readers that just want to learn about Kratom.A chief value to Kratom Education is encouraging discussion and receiving feedback. A community that has an ongoing flow of knowledge to these leaves overlooked and dismissed because of its resemblance to codeine.